Gillian leapt from the carriage, grunting as his knees absorbed the sudden shock. In all honesty, he'd not expected them to run into trouble so soon, though part of him wondered if this attack was related to the fort at all. He didnt have much time to mull the possibility over before the captain called for a charge, Klien retreating (and somewhat cowering) behind Umbra for cover as she shot from his wagon. He'd leave the wagon in the elf woman's care, if only for the chance to talk to her later under the pretense of helping his old friend. Klien, for his part, probably wouldn't object to the minor exploitation. He watches the twined Sunfields for a moment before realizing they did not intend to charge into the fray. It was a fair enough choice, though has he charged the bandits on foot he somewhat wished someone had atleast offered a horse. Oh well, he wasn't unaccustomed to fighting mounted opponents. He gripped his spear tightly as the bandits began to mount a return attack, one charging at Gillian swinging wildly. Gillian would wager the man was probably a rookie (most trained soldiers wouldn't swing with such vigor at the air) in the bandits ranks, an almost felt sorry for him as he braced himself. The bandit locked eyes with him, glaring with the hatred of a thousand suns. [i]'Spirited lad...'[/i] Gill thinks, gently side stepping the charge, the offending sword of the cutthroat missing its mark. Gill spun the spear around, shaft planting itself firmly in the side of the younger man, carrying all the weight of the strike and the charge with it. [i]'Could work on his aim a bit though'[/i] Gill thinks as the impact reverberated through his arms, smirking slightly as he watched the unconscious body fall to the ground. If the kid was lucky, he'd probably wake up with just a broken rib or two. He was about to carry the boy off to the side of the road, atleast to get him out from under foot while they tried to deal with the rest of his comrades, when he saw a flash of grayish white and red streak past him in a blur. He turned, raising his spear to block what he assumed to be an attacker. It was, thankfully, a somewhat unnecessary act. He watched in somewhat disgusted awe as the rabbit person the Captain had brought along embed her now blazing curved sword into the neck of an oncoming rider's steed. The smell of burning horse hair and animal fat hit his nostrils quickly, the now removed head of the beast landing with a wet crunch near his feet. The horse (or what remained of it) crumbled mid stride, its heavy body tumbling over itself and taking its rider with it, both bodys sending out a symphony of crunching noises as they came to a stop. The rabbit woman fixes Gillian with a harsh glare before rasping a command at him. "You're in my way. Leave." She said, flicking the blade casually. Gillian backs off, leaving the possibly unconscious person behind. The rabbit calmly walked over, casually jabbing the boys throat before turning back towards the whole of the bandits, looking for a new target with an almost hungry gaze.