[h3][center][color=BE31F7]Veitaru[/color] and [color=4DE474]Gruncle Jaege[/color][/center][/h3] [color=4DE474]"Yes. I will, but do not forget to take care of yourself either."[/color] Jaege seemed concerned with Felicia's lack of concern, but did not push the matter further than this. Veitaru skulked forward to be behind Noi and try and peak around him, but she didn't want to get too close to him for his antics.[color=BE31F7]"You're today, now. Of course."[/color] She snapped at Noi, apparently disliking Noi more than even the others. Jaege took some time to care for himself, trying to keep an eye out for both Veitaru and Felicia, to make sure Veitaru stayed clear of the uncoordinated bot, which she fortunately had the good sense to do, and Felicia, to make sure she took the time to take care of herself.