[center][h2][color=#007BA7]Ender Kazetani[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mjrUIrc.png?1[/img][/center] Well, this was interesting. The team lineups to be precise. In the time he managed to utilize effectively from entering the surveillance room to making his way to Beta City, a handful of mental notes were taken on each of his teammates. There was Karen, who somehow achieved to skyrocket to the zenith of the list of students Ender was most acquainted with in the berth of a few sparse minutes. Then there was the female student with glasses, Mine, who exuded the aura of a himedere in volumes so great that the boy felt like a negligible grain of rice. [i]Stale rice.[/i] She would undoubtedly be as much of an adventure as a struggle to befriend. There was also his classmate Garen, a flag set off by Ender's quirk the moment he set foot in the classroom opening day. There was the lingering feeling that they had crossed paths somewhere before, and that the German had been crying waterfalls during their encounter. But that didn't fit Garen's character in the slightest, so the gnawing sensation had to be placed aside temporarily. Vanitas and Amelia were practically designated as tertiary characters in Ender's database, but hopefully after this test the two would express some idiosyncrasies to remember them by. There would definitely be a number of attributes for the team to remember the self-proclaimed tecophile by, after all, the kid was quirkier than Quirks themselves. But for the sake of the exercise, they'd be thankful the shut-in has spent an unhealthy amount of time playing with raid parties and team-based modes in FPS's. Communication was key, but what established a foundation for it was always first impressions. This initial facet was something that was highly crucial and had to be treated with the utmost care and calculation. [color=#007BA7]"Moshi moshi! Too too roo, Ender-desu!"[/color] Something Ender failed at miserably. [color=#007BA7]"Sorry, sorry, just so hyped that I can't contain it! Anyways, this is Ender Kazetani, reading you loud and clear, Bosu!"[/color] The boy checked each road of a four-way intersection before he darted across the street, a commendable feat after one noted the seven foot long hunk of metal strapped to his back. The Clockwork Cannon, his pride and joy, the wings of which were clipped in light of the non-lethal bearing of the exercise, resulting in its ammunition being cut out of the picture. The shadow of a crosswise building enshrouded the pseudo-villain in darkness, the perfect cover to pause and finally process the words that had been uttered by the team's "Bosu" a few moments prior. Ender's mind ran wild. A myriad of methods, both fictional and realistic, were conjured up in fractions of a second and were just as short-lived, inevitably scrapped due to the scant resources entry year students had at their disposal, along with the constraints of reality. Perhaps a plasma warhead fired from a railgun built into a twenty-story tall scale model of Mikoto Misaki was a tad bit far-fetched. Curse the shackles of 3D!!! Ender shook his fist ruefully into the air, a sight that would surely confuse a hero should one stumble upon him right now. He rubbed his temples in deep contemplation, verbally machine-gunning his thoughts into his communicator, [color=#007BA7]"...and while a homemade radio jammer may be a feasible choice, chances are these communicators operate off of a Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum- or perhaps Frequency-Multiplexing Division, to prevent being hindered by Quirks that may hijack or emit radio waves.[/color] He continued to relentlessly rap off terms and semantics that probably made his teammates want to yank out their eardrums, yet a smile was gradually growing with every syllable [color=#007BA7]"Well, a more pragmatic approach would be an area-of-effect electrical discharge, an effective EMP. We would need to manifest a double exponential pulse train, yet for that we would need an adequate amount of voltage and amplitude, like a few dials weaker than lightn-"[/color] And then it dawned on him. The smile that was built up as he mulled brusquely transformed into a full-blown crescent moon grin. The expression an evil scientist would don once they found the key to world destruction or domination. Depends on what they put in their coffee. Or in Ender's case, much like the many times he figured out the crucial chink in the armor of many dungeon bosses. Though just like that this plan now pivoted one two members instead of one. [color=#007BA7]"Garen-senpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai~."[/color] Yes, it was apparent they were in the same year. But also, yes, why not some fun despite what hung in the balance? [color=#007BA7]"This exercise is arranged for us to apply what we learned in class, but it also gives us the chance to gauge our abilities in an authentic environment,"[/color] The student was of course referring to against other gifted individuals and the practice of thinking outside the box, sounding oddly charismatic in respect to his earlier dialogue, [color=#007BA7]"While militaries now employ the usage of NEMP or HEMP explosives, lightning electromagnetic pulse, or LEMP for short, is a natural form capable of directly damaging objects and tech alike. But thankfully we don't need to go to such great lengths to fulfill your request, Bosu, but a toned down version can generate an electrostatic discharge, which should affect nearby communications. We'll just need to be sure to clear out fast, we being Garen and myself, if he's up for it."[/color] The boy stole a peak around the building corner, gleaming with joy as he made sure the hostage was fastened tightly between his back and the Clockwork Cannon. Ender spotted a nondescript adjacent to the one he was currently propped up against, his destination. Through the wide window his vision caught a sliver of familiar blue. He was half-tempted use his cellphone as ammunition due to how rattled he was by an abrupt notification. But after it turned out to be Karen, another task fell on his shoulders, [color=#007BA7]"Anyways, I'll think it over [b]in great detail[/b],"[/color] The last emphasized segment hopefully put his teammates' worries to rest, or perhaps only exacerbated their trepidation. [color=#007BA7]"And BTdubz, if anybody happens to stumble upon a manga store or two, mind snagging me a few books? I mean, we are [i]technically[/i] villains. Might as well act out the part a bit."[/color] Humor as a follow-up was a laudable strategy. [color=#007BA7]"Gonna help out Karen first, then I'll work on diversion detail. Until then, Ender out. El Psy Congroo."[/color] Surely a number of his teammates were making very perplexed faces at the mention of their elusive comrade. The fact that her name was on the roster couldn't be dismissed, yet their memories of the amount present in the surveillance room and those involved in the exercise did not even out. The girl had also maintained radio silence to an almost praiseworthy degree. Meanwhile, headphones faintly emanated the lyrics, [i]"Hard-hit by the times, that's just how your life goes by, I know it's not your fault, you say-"[/i] Following another double take the student made a beeline across the street. Ender entered the store and allowed the bell hanging over the door to sound his arrival. The playful series of dings which reverberated through the store obscured his footsteps as he passed ransacked shelves. He processed the scene before him when his pace came to an abrupt halt. A cocked eyebrow was the only response that could be managed. [color=#007BA7]"U-um. Karen? What is this plot device?"[/color] What was its maximum RPM, how many degrees of depression did it have vertically and horizontally, how quickly could it oscillate? Questions like these flooded his conscience as he took in the contraption more provisional than their future Quirk-generated ESD (electrostatic discharge). He shifted his worried gaze over to the girl, internally fighting the urge to overhaul the makeshift turret into a force of mass destruction. Wait a second... was this thing loaded with rubber bullets?! [@Kal-El][@FallenTrinity][@Animal][@Rune_Alchemist][@liferusher] (gonna check for spell errors)