I uh, almost completely glossed over this section, already getting caught up in what roleplays I might want to get into. Right, so, introductions. So I guess I'll take a step back and start here. Hello, I'm Matt. I'm just looking for an active and supportive roleplaying community. My preferred genres are Science Fiction, Supernatural, and some Dark and Apocalyptic. Though I'll play pretty much any kind of roleplaying game, as long as its interesting and well-organized. I'm sort of out of practice at the moment, but I use roleplaying mostly to get back into writing as practice for my book. I'm usually a decent writer, but have gone long periods without writing. So like I said, a bit out of practice. But can pick it back up pretty quickly. As long as the community I'm in is active, and I feel like I belong there, then I'll probably be there a while trying to get better, learning from the community and getting to know them. I'll most likely be sticking to casuals to start, until I get better at making longer posts again. Still just getting back into this whole forum stuff again. Either way, thanks for reading.