The space camp councillors told him he was perfect for the role. That Fiddlesticks would be the most valuable and respected member of the crew. They told him that he was meant for great things. That he was smart and ever so handsome. Well, they didn't say that second part but Fiddlesticks suspected that they were thinking it. If only they could see him then. Drooling uncontrollably like a space poodle. Fiddlesticks salivated so much that a stream of drool flowed it's way down his chin and onto the diner table. Only after hearing the quiet yet audible splash of saliva onto the table top did Fiddlesticks realise the error of his ways. Startled by this realisation he sat bolt upright in his seat and covered his mouth with both his hands. His huge grapefruit sized eyes have never been any bigger than they were at that moment. They darted left and right rapidly, at all the other members of the crew. He hoped against hope that the cute girl with the glasses didn't notice. Fiddlesticks made an audible gulp then dropped his hands to his sides. He let out a sigh of resignation. He thought that those guys would consider him a dork as well. But he had duty, a most honourable and sacred one! To help spread the word of Hendersons Ribs! For deliciousness! For friendship! For adventure! "Huzzah!" yelled Fiddlesticks. He found himself standing on his seat with his right fist pointed straight up into the air. He wore a massive smile that stretched from ear to ear. How the heck did that happen!? He didn't even remember standing up. Fiddlesticks quickly decided to play it cool and roll with it. He held his pose and his smile. He hoped that at least one other member would join in on his style of expressing jubilation.