After driving for the entire eight-hour flight to the Hederson's Ribs above Nurr-Slugg, Elarin was exhausted. Resting his head against the backrest of the booth, his claw-tipped fingers rapped against the laminated cover of the menu, as his bloodshot, glazed over eyes glanced slowly from item to item, his tongue occasionally darting out of his mouth to taste the air whenever different dishes were walked past their table by the server-robots. Eventually, a server approached the table the group was seated at, and Elarin sat up a bit as the bot spoke. "Welcome to Henderson's Ribs. I am Walter. What will it be?" Elarin emitted whatever the reptilian equivalent of a yawn was, before sluggishly tracing a claw along the menu, answering Walter the Waiter with a worn-out voice. [color=lightgreen]"I'd like a...medium serving of ribs, a small bowl of corn, a small basket of...regular fries, and a coffee, doesn't matter what planet."[/color] With that, Elarin handed his menu over, and rested his head back against the backrest again, his head spines poking small holes in the leather upholstery. Closing his eyes, Elarin mumbled out something that sounded like [color=lightgreen]"Wake me if you need me."[/color], or maybe it was [color=lightgreen]"Take these if you see peas."[/color] Unless he was woken up by someone priorly, Elarin would carefully sit back up once the food arrived, the hiss of air being let out of the leather backing as his spines were drawn from the puncture holes they had made.