The one known as 'The Mind" was interesting. It was like looking at an organic colony of nanobots! Though Toony really couldn't fully understand the whole hive mind thing. Sure she was made out of nanobots and commanded a ton of them, but they basically only formed one body without their own minds or anything unlike "The Mind" and his bees. Toony really wasn't sure what to make of the organic though, only time would tell! Fiddlesticks though... Toony couldn't help but give a mechanical laugh at his eagerness. Sure what he was doing was... really silly. But at least he was trying to save face so Toony could appreciate commitment. Heck, she'd join him if there was a reason to! But she didn't know everyone super well yet so she decided to wait and see how the rest of her new crewmates would react. As much as she disliked it, first impressions were sorta kinda important to organics. [color=6ecff6]"So... Now that almost everyone I met is here. Anyone wanna talk about themselves while we wait for our food?"[/color] Toony suggested, looking at the various people she'd be calling her crew for the foreseeable future. [color=6ecff6]"I'm a cute robot, if that wasn't obvious."[/color] She said with a smile look in her eyes. She didn't have a mouth, so the gesture wasn't as obvious as it should be, but then Toony found anything less than the eyes mundane and useless.