[color=aba000][center][h2]- Skubli - [/h2][/center][/color] [center][@El Noche][@Duthguy][@The 4 Winds][/center] [hr] The sudden arrival of three goblins made Skubli hesitant to move, nervous about the amount of attention he was receiving. He listened to each of their statements one by one and slowly crawled towards the entrance of the alcove, looking up in awe at the larger, stronger goblins. After hearing brother Lomen's request, he shook his head. [color=aba000]"Skubli likes the way the rocks are."[/color] He stated matter-of-factly, hesitant to allow another Goblin into his private space. As brother Zectoll spoke, Skubli slowly poked his head out from underneath his mantle and gave a hint of a smile at his eloquent language, however it left the lesser Goblin feeling confused as to what exactly he meant. [color=aba000]"I'm Skubli."[/color] Pausing for a moment, he considered his introduction carefully before continuing. [color=aba000]"You can call me Skubli. Nice to meet you."[/color] Proud of his introduction and mastery over language, he moved on to focus on brother Stegs. [color=aba000]"Skubli survived night outside of cave. Skubli can handle danger."[/color] The little Goblin nodded his head in affirmation to his own statement before continuing. [color=aba000]"Skubli can help brother Stegs."[/color]