[@alicepleasanceliddell][@doc doctor] George looked on with a sigh as he leaned against the wall. "Our purpose for this is one of noble purposes. We want to give an infinite supply of blood to everyone." George said, if he weren't so good at killing he would make a wonderful politician for sure. "And it would give us all a chance to have Mahzun here out of the palace as well. Wouldn't that be better my queen?" George said offering up some of the deal. More the details would be explained by Mahzun most likely. He only hoped that he wouldn't make it sound terrible. Feon in the meantime had seemed to come out of a broom closet at this point with multiple items to clean up the mess in the current area. "Excuse me madam, I am sure you want this mess cleaned up as soon as possible." Feon said bowing to the queen in respect before starting to clean up the mess and placing the now finished body into a large bucket that would be taken to an incinerator later. If anything she was extremely quiet as she started to clean up the mess.