[center][h2] [color=goldenrod]Denver Alley[/color][/h2][/center] [center][@solokolos][/center] Zach heard a [i]chink[/i] as something broke next to his neck and someone let out a grunt of surprise, his passenger had determined the needle filled with some of the good old sleepy stuff to be not safe and it had broken on impact with the shield. Some unintelligible muttering was heard and the foam beneath him was dissolved until he was only contained by the foam immediately around him. Then he was picked up and carried towards a truck, it was like being carried in an sponge. Only you were glued to the sponge. Anyway there was nothing he could about the situation so he was carted away in the truck towards what he could only assume was the PRT building. Whatever was going to happen when he got there probably wasn't good and involved a [b]lot[/b] of questions.