[center][color=CF045A][h1]Th0rn_R0se[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=fff200]Assignment[/color]: [color=00aeef]Undercover - Infiltrate the Orphanage [/color] Interacting with [@king Tai], [@Wick] and [@Vashonn] [/center][hr] She thought hard about what disguise she should wear. She also supercharged her gear on the off chance she needed to use them. She wouldn't be able to keep them on her person, but she could have them stashed, just in case. She would have to give them to Darric. She also thought of Willard. She would do her best to make sure the two stayed together through this. She wasn't sure if they separated boys and girls, but perhaps she could convince them, or Darric could, that siblings needed to stay together. It would be better for them in the long run. As she finished up, she met with Darric and went over her disguise, [color=CF045A]"I'll be going as a 12 year old girl. I figure older would be better. I will try to mimic Willard's look as closely as possible to pass off as a sibling. Here is what I have in mind.[/color] She showed Darrric the disguise. The girl had long hair the same shade as Willard's and slightly darker green eyes and a tanner skin tone, but the details were there that they looked similar. She closed it out and handed off her gear, [color=CF045A]"Keep this for me, would you? In case I need it later."[/color] [hr][@King Tai][@Gutshot][@Necrophage][@FantasyChic][@Wick][@Vashonn][@RumikoOhara][@pugbutter][@alexfangtalon][hr]