David followed Rebecca out of the carriage, then just stood there and observed the tavern. [color=0072bc]"Hmmm. What a curious place."[/color] He commented half-mindedly before getting inside. For some reason the knowledge of his own death didn't seem to bother him a bit. The spacious tavern with its well-polished tables is a sight to behold in its own right, but the large jaguar understandably proved much more attractive to David. It sure looked deadly to him, but he remained quite relaxed, confident in his command of gravity. That is, until he (finally) noticed the menacing demon. A mere glance aroused instinctive fear in David, prompting him to step back and set up a strong repelling gravitational field. The field didn't last long, though. David saw the woman talking to the demon, presumably named Zzubus, in a friendly and even casual manner and decided it might be best to stay calm. He would go and speak to Zzubus once they've done talking.