[quote=@Eklispe] And so the first victim of the gimmick deck suffers. [/quote] I'm actually quite surprised, but not really, that more people didn't make gimmick decks. With the rules allowing for anybody to have three custom cards which could pretty much be anything, a skilled enough player might have been able to make... I dunno, something like Majestic Mech, Phantom Beast (not Mecha Phantom Beast), or hell. There are enough Mirror Force cards that someone could have made a deck based on Mirror Force using the Mirror Force Dragon. Duston vs Berserker Soul so far has been shaping up to look kinda fun though. Speaking of. I realize that the conversation on the bus seems to be pointing out how meta changes in the TCG as if that had any bearing on the game on the basis that it follows from the anime. I'm not saying this is really bad or bothersome, but it does break immersion which is definitely not a desired goal here.