So I discovered that I could not find my original profile so I'm making a wholly new character. Apperance: [img][/img] Name: Crimson Nickname: Crim Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Crush: None Mate: None Cubs: None Personality: Crimson is best describe as a Lion who see's the world for what it really is. A place of both great pain and great pleasure as well. He is loyal only to those who deserve his respect and is a very powerful warrior and tracker. He also seems to be quite kind to cubs always sharing his food or stories with them when they ask. He can be a bit of a loner as well when he's on guard duty and watches the night go by silently. History: Crimson was born and raised in an area far from the current lands, In a place that his pride called the Darklands, though his original pride was a group of Rouge lion's who had been casted out of their original prides due to problems that aroused or that they lost against the pride leader and were casted out. His Father was the leader of the pride and one of the greatest warrior of the lands, while his mother was a wise and kind Lioness who took pride in her knowledge and taught her child everything she knew. One fateful day, during a freak storm while the pride were searching for shelter, A bolt of lightning hit the rock formation above them and buried the pride alive, It was though his father Sacrifice that Crimson and his mother narrowly escaped it. It did not take long after Crimson became a teen that his mother died while protecting him from a pack of hyenas. Since then, he was alone and trained as hard as he could until he became strong enough to both find the Hyena pack and kill them all. After months of exploration, Crimson was found by the Easten pride and after battling the Queen but losing, he was offer the chance to be a Guard/Bodyguard to the queen and her cubs. Other: Crimson remembers one important thing his mother taught him after his father death, she pointed to his heart and said to him "He Lives in you" Pride Name: Eastern Members: Roho, Malaika, Olivia, Kisari, Maisha and him Rank in pride: Guard/Bodyguard to the queen Pride's Location: Eastern Border near the pride lands Theme song: Megalovania/ Sans theme - Undertale