Vonny woke up from his long nap, where the ship's weapon inventory room was as the ship began to slow down. He yawned before rubbing his eye’s and looking around. He casually got out of the inventory room and went right towards the bathroom. After splashing his face with water and doing his thing (Washed his hands of course) he proceeded to to the kitchen. He looked inside of the fridge to do a quick supply count and nodded. “Bloody hell, all that’s in here is vegtables, a few chicken wings and last night's chocolate cake.” he mumbled before grabbing one of the chicken wings. He began to eat it before proceeding to the Henderson Rib entrance where the rest of the crew was. Vonny walked to the group of table before looking at the waiter: “Get me three ribs, one honey, one of the buffalo sauce and the other BBQ sauce, and two pitchers of your domestic brew, no foam please!” Vonny said Vonny sat at the table, near to the crew before nodding. “How’s everyone doing today?”