[@Loony]Reggie description: Reggie's a somewhat scrawny guy, not really doing much exercise aside from skating(his second favorite hobby). He had his hair dyed to a gunmetal-blue because he thinks it makes him look cool and goes well with his bright Emerald green eyes. He sports a small bit of freckles on his somewhat child-ish face, and if he cleaned himself up more and got rid of the oil stains, one could find him somewhat attractive to the eye. His clothing tends to be of the skater asthetic, as he's usually seen wearing a beanie of some kind along with semi-ripped jeans and sneakers. Shirts are usually graphic tees of some-sort, usually centered around some anime he's seen and enjoyed. Also, he's about 5'9 in terms of height. Seraphinite is a slight, tomboyish gem. Their uber long hair reaches down to their legs in a waterfall of ivory waves, tending to be less than tidy due to her not caring for their appearance. Her clothes are as depicted, loose-fitting and practical with few stylizations. The main voloration about her is a soft, darkened green, thoughbit lightens in areas, a white feathery pattern dancing along her back, shoulders, and upper arms. Shiny reflectiveky when hit by light. Her eyes, when in Sensory mode, are completely glazed over, but maintain a similar green coloration. She tends to fit on the smaller side of gems, being around 5'5, though with plenty of attitude stuffed into every inch of that height to make up for it. Hope this is good enough, descriptions are kinda my week point when it comes to character writing.