[quote=@Lmpkio] I believe when creating the OCC, they do need to elaborate on that anyways. It'll come man don't worry. :) [/quote] [Dear reader, please imagine the following sentence being spoken in the voice of [i]the[/i] most annoying and spoiled child you can possibly imagine - and then add 200% of "annoying" on top of that]: Yea, but I [b][u]need[/u][/b] it now! I need it! I need my lore fix! Anywho: on a more serious and less annoying note: it would just be nice to have an outline, as I would otherwise have difficulties creating the lore for my character - and that can take a long time for me to do... :/ I know I can be quite demanding, please bear with me ^^ Oh and [@Crimson Raven]/[@Raijinslayer] have you tried pinterest? I recently discovered it (yes, I know I am late to the game) and I find the way it works to be quite helpful in narrowing down the type of art/character design you want.