This foe had incredible power. H'daru could feel his connection to the Dark Side just as well as he could feel his own connection to the Light. It was like being too close to a transistor when the two clashed. He could feel the pulsing and pulling of the Force. He would not be able to kill this dark thing easily. Perhaps not at all. His senses did give him some information though. This thing needed it's mask in some way. A strike to the head would surly kill the Sith so it was not a bad idea to try and strike high no matter what the situation. H'daru steeled himself as the raging Sith bore down on him. H'daru threw himself backward and assumed his usual one handed Makashi stance. Meagr came in inhumanly fast with his crossing strike, H'daru parried the blow, letting it slide off his blade and off to the side. As expected, the Sith redirected his blow and turned the cut in from the side. H'daru gave over to the Force and reacted preternaturally quickly. He directed the blow up and over his head in a semi-circle. As the parry reached it's apex the Knight switched off his lightsaber. The sudden loss of contact threw the Sith's flow off. H'daru twisted the hilt of his saber forward as the green blade sprang back into existence, filling Meagr's vision with searing green light. The Sith lurched backward from the thrust, reacting through the Force more than natural ability. The saber missed it's killing stroke but sheared the mast nearly in two on his face. H'daru brought his saber down to parry the expected afterblow as he pushed himself backwards with a Force powered jump. The impact of the Sith's afterblow at the start of his jump threw him off course. The Knight righted himself in midair and landed a few feet from the door to the gardens. He slammed his hand into he panel, it read his signature, and, the door hissed open. The Knight wheeled inside the doorway as a blow from the enraged Sith tore the wall panel to slag. The gardens were a beautiful triumph for the Jedi attendants. Exotic plants of all kinds grew in stunning patterns in the center of the massive room. The entire garden was ringed with arched buttresses that separated the garden from the walk way around it. The roof was open to the elements here and the sound of the raging air battle could be heard now with nothing between them and the two dueling Force users. H'daru leaped into the air, landing deftly on the edge of one of the arches. He slashed a section of the arch free and sent it on it's way toward the Sith with a helping Force push. The Knight leaped from the arch and landed in a crouch with his saber silenced. He waited. Now all he needed to do was wait. The reinforcements were here and soon these Sith would fall under the heel of the Republic. Time was his ally, not their;s. H'daru sent his blade to life with a crackle as Meagr entered the garden proper. The Jedi sent a powerful blow toward the nape of the Marauder's neck from behind, the bow was dodged swiftly, before H'daru launched himself away from the creature again, placing many plants between the two of them, breaking line of sight. Delay, delay, delay. The thought was a chant in the Jedi's mind. He extended his senses and sought the presence of the Sith while using his powers to conceal himself from the other's Force sight.