[hider=Yasuri] [center] [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M8113c4d6dd77e5b15f4c65537a30db2ao0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300[/img] [sub]Only not the giant fist weapons k?[/sub] [/center] Name: Yasuri Profession: Monk History: Yasuri was born in a fairly large city to somewhat well of parents. They lived comfortably but not in wealth. They were lucky. The city was not... The most well-run. To put it more bluntly was it was essentially run by a dictator. It was inevitable at some point that a rebellion of some kind would start. With access to only crude weapons they held underground training sessions. Yasuri was perhaps not the most logical candidate given he didn't go through the same suffering many in the city did. However he saw the corruption at a level higher than most and could also see the suffering it caused. Combined with his natural sense of empathy Yasuri found himself joining the cause. Unsurprisingly they were found out and ambushed at one such session. Yasuri was knocked out during the fighting. When he came to he found himself under the care of Master Kenta. He was informed his family, along with the families of all the other rebels had been killed. Upon attempting to exit the room and get revenge he found himself stopped by Master Kenta. Despite 24 hours of attempting to escape the room Yasuri found himself utterly outmatched. Exhausted Yasuri asked Kenta to tutor him. A smile appeared on the man's face and thus began Yasuri's journey with Kenta, abandoning his last name. After a few years Kenta told Yasuri he was leaving on a pilgrimage to the City Of Jade. Yasuri had learned long ago that questioning Kenta never did much good and simply followed. And waited. And waited. Now he is done waiting. Even the extraordinary patience taught to him by Master Kenta wearing thin over two years. Master Kenta: Master Kenta is a wiry man of an indeterminate age. It's quite confusing as his frame matches that of some of an average male around 30-50 but his face is that of someone around 20. Attempts to get him to reveal or even hint at his age had been met with no success, though the amount of people that know him and their age seems to indicate he's been around for quite a bit longer than the visual would indicaite. Kenta always speak in the same cheerful tone of voice. He's very friendly, always ready with a story or a joke to liven things up. He also likes to hand out life lessons and generally helpful tips to just about anybody he runs across. All in all he seems to be a middle-aged friendly uncle Iroh sort of guy. Kenta does however seem to have more strength in 1 finger than most people have in their whole body and his skin seems to be made of some sort of adamantium like replacement. Chi: 2 Luck: 5 [u]Techniques[/u] Iron Flesh: The ability to completely absorb all damage from a single blow. [/hider]