[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LVxoGqK.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UhJiGvP.png[/img][/center] When Sand entered his room, she found Robert absentmindedly staring out the window. With no other sources of entertainment like a book or video game, he didn’t have much else to pass the time with other than conversations with the nurses and any visitors that might come his way. Hearing the door open, the red haired boy turned to face his new team member, giving her a bright smile. The bandage over his head still remained as well as a few of the band-aids that covered the small cuts where the doctors had removed shrapnel from the explosive, but other than that he looked almost normal. “Oh hey, Sand. Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better now,” he told her. Seeing her pull out a paper bag, his eyes focused on the object as he wondered what it could possibly contain. “Ooh, muffins? Cool,” Robert said, reaching his hand in and pulling out whichever kind was at the top. Quickly taking a bite without first checking what it might have been baked with, the taste of blueberries assaulted his tastebuds. Not exactly the boy’s favorite flavor, but he didn’t want to hurt the girl’s feelings so he avoided making any sort of negative facial reaction. “What’d you ask? How am I feeling? Hmm…” the red haired boy replied, giving the question some serious thought before replying. “Like I said, I am feeling better. Kinda bored though. Not much to do here except rest and mope around. Ozpin told me that I’m no longer leader of the team, but I think… I think I’m okay with that honestly. It’s a lot of responsibility that I don’t think I was ready for. Sure, I was disappointed at first, but now that I’ve had time to think, the position seemed to fit better with one of the others. Speaking of which, what are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you have gone back to Atlas? Was it Atlas? It was Atlas right?” “It was Atlas,” she confirmed with a wry smile. “[i]Was[/i]. My transfer papers were approved some time ago. Didn’t think I’d arrive at Beacon the way I did, though.” Robert nodded along as Sand explained her situation. When it appeared she had finished speaking, he asked, “So what’s the name of the team you’re on? Maybe we can do some joint missions or something at some point.” The girl leaned back, looking at him meaningfully. “Don’t know yet, but I think we’ll be working together often enough.” “What makes you say that?” he asked. She tilted her head. “Just a hunch. Happens that the other members spell R, T and G.” “Really? That’s the letters for my team too. What a coincidence.” Sand’s expression remained neutral, but as the words left his mouth the girl’s normally stern eyes seemed to sparkle, like a cat that had found a new toy. She nodded knowingly. “Scary, right?” she said in a conspiratorial tone. “Well hear this. G is a faunus, doesn’t seem like he likes R much.” “Hey, Grane’s a faunus too. Pretty sure he’s not a big fan of me either,” Robert said, still not understanding yet what Sand was hinting at. She hummed in agreement, but continued. “T seems like the calmest of the three. Like he tries to smooth things out between the rest.” “That sounds like Trad,” he said with excitement. “Yeah. R got injured recently, though, and it’s got him worried. He’s in this infirmary too.” “Sounds like it’d be a good idea to meet with them after you’re done talking with lil’ ol’ me.” “Already did, actually. Brought him breakfast and everything.” “Did you get him muffins too?” her teammate asked, still oblivious. “Yes. In fact, and listen close because this is the clincher—”The girl drew closer, as if to tell him a secret, complete with discrete looks over her shoulder. “His name happens to be Robert.” At this point, Robert was beginning to catch on. Squinting his eyes at her with suspicion, he asked her, “Does his last name happen to be Fallson?” Sand looked at him with dancing eyes. “Amazing, right? What a time to be alive.” “Yeah, what a coincidence,” the boy repeated, this time with heavy amounts of sarcasm. A pleased smirk broke through her serious expression. “You can be rather dense, you know?” “I’d take offense to that if it probably wasn’t true,” was his only response as he lied back in his bed and made himself more comfortable. “Welcome to the team, Sand.” “Thank you. Looking forward to working with you.”