The ride for Gregory was a boring and uneventful one, as far as he knew. Nothing had really happened since the bridge and there was little for him to comment on. He was still displeased about the apparent lack of air support for the mission, but he knew it was too late to complain about it now. Not that anything could have been quickly done in the first place, mind. The Fortress of Arrogance sat silently as Gregory met with Roland. Gregory was unshaken by the similarities between Roland's wrench and his arm. It wasn't uncommon to note such similarities between several dozen types of technology. All that really mattered with tech wasn't how it looked, merely that it preformed it's function well and didn't break at the slightest breeze. This was often a problem with the more fanciful designs of some weapons, since they included a lot of extra pomp and flair rather than keeping everything functional. Gregory's mechanical arm was currently covered by his powered claw. His eye gleamed slightly in the sunlight provided by being outside and Gregory's coat lazily flapped in the slight breeze provided. Gregory's pistol, loaded and ready to fire with a light flick of the safety, rested gently against his left hip. It was large and bulky, which set it apart from most pistols that had their magazines within the grips and not beneath the barrel, but the extra weight was actually quite helpful due to the large caliber of the handgun. It dwarfed even the ancient Desert Eagle in caliber and needed the extra weight to be fired comfortably. Despite the extra weight, the gun was quite useful to have should someone need to put very large holes in a target, be they human or otherwise. Upon his right hip, within a protective sheath, lay Gregory's sword. An ancient design of modern construction meant that it rarely saw use in the modern battlefield of firearm dominance. Especially now that mechs were entering the fray the space for having a sword seemed to be shrinking rapidly, even knives were a real rarity in usefulness. Though Gregory kept his sword as both a symbol of office and a last ditch measure. It would be shameful to surrender to the enemy when you still had options to fight, and thus Gregory intended fully to go down fighting rather than throw up his arms and surrender. But that was merely Gregory's way of doing things, other people likely saw differently and, even though Gregory disagreed, Gregory respected it. It wasn't easy to commit oneself so completely to a fight that all other options other than victory seemed rather inexcusable. Gregory had simply been on the field for so long that surrendering while it was still logical to fight was rather annoying to him. Nodding at the information that the VIP was packing his belongings, Gregory decided to make a quick introduction. "I am Captain Gregory Fietmaal, and I am currently the field commander of Alpha Team. I have been briefed completely about our mission, including payload. I don't personally like transporting something like this by land, but we didn't have an alternative option. If you have advanced sensors, bring them. My tank has a long range siege cannon-" Gregory stopped for a moment to indicate the hull mounted cannon upon the Fortress of Arrogance before continuing. "And it can engage from long distance, though it obviously needs to know where to aim." Lowering his arm, Gregory waited to see what Roland would say. Ba'al gave Gregory a questioning ping as he recognized that he was being mentioned, and Gregory answered with an assurance ping that nothing was wrong. Thus, Ba'al didn't command the tank into action just yet. All Gregory could do now was wait for both Roland's response and his teammates to say anything that they would like. Hopefully they could get the mission underway soon, since the longer they were out in the open they more likely a spy or scout could feed information to the Ordo Sanctus. With a mission like this, speed was key. Thus, the delay provided by the VIP packing his belongings wasn't much appreciated by Gregory, but Gregory knew to hold his tongue on the matter, since an annoyed VIP was a hassle to transport.