[hider=John Freeman Saver of Humens] [center][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/0006/f/2014/336/9/4/_sfm___1440p__time_to_face_full_life_consequences_by_drweegee1337-d88gkpm.jpg[/img] [i]"It's time for me to live up to my family name and face FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES!"[/i][/center] [b]Name[/b]: John Freeman [b]Age[/b]: Unknown, possibly mid-twenties [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Bio[/b]: John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman's brother was one day in an office typing on a computer when he got an email from his brother that said aliens and monsters were attacking his place and aksed him for help so he went. He travelled to Ravenholdm and saw a sign with someone's handwriting that said 'u shudnt come here'. He was about to turn back when he heard screaming like his brother. He found wepon on ground and shot 'zombie goasts' in front of a house. He then blew it up so that the 'zombie goasts' could be 'at piece'. He continued he journey into Ravenholdm, and found that it was nothing like the countrysides as 'there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from headcrabs'. He found his brother Gordon fighting the 'final bosss'. John Freeman saved his brother by shooting the final boss in the eye and blinding it. Gordon Freeman then got squashed by the 'next boss'. John Freeman vows to defeat the boss and travels back to his office on his motorcycle to look up the boss' weakness online. He goes back to Ravenholm and defeats the next boss by shooting a rocket at him because it was his weakness. After killing the boss, John Freeman walks up to both of the dead bosses and buries them, planting 'pants' on them so that were pretty things to be happy. He goes to the dead Gordon Freeman and mourns him when a headcrab suddenly jumped onto Gordon, reanimating him. Gordon tells John Freeman that he was slow and that he is now a 'zombie goast' and that he will pay. The ending is left unexplained. Fast forward sometime later and 'Combines' from 'science' and 'outter space' have arrived on Earth. They rule over the planet and 'hate humens'. John Freeman's wife is killed by the combine 'lazer guns'. His son Henry Freeman then proceeds to start a revolution, and the rebels travel to the 'Combine tower that was big like the sky' in order to send the combines 'back to science and outter space'. However, they are stopped by a Combine army. In the ensuring battle, most of the rebels are killed and overwhelmed by the Combine forces. Then, for no apparent reason, John Freeman arrives in a portal. He fights and kills the Combine troops with his 'bear hands' and by 'barking necks'. The Combine then retreat back to the tower and press a button to make it 'glow and smoke'. John Freeman then encounters Gordon Freeman, who had been saved from the headcrab by the combine who put 'science' in him to make him 'live and strong and big', and that he is now 'Dark Man'. The two of them then proceed to fight. Meanwhile, Henry Freeman and the rest of the rebels attempt to stop the tower from exploding, but fail due to overwhelming Combine forces. They are unable to press the 'botton' to stop the tower from destruction. John Freeman eventually defeats Dark Man by kicking the 'science off his face'. Gordon is freed from the Combine control but dies of his wounds. John Freeman tells Henry Freeman to get the rebels out of the city on his motorcycle. Henry Freeman obeys and leaves the city with the rebels. John Freeman fights through the rest of the Combine forces, but eventually gets overwhelmed and defeated by the Combine. He manages to look out of the tower before dying and sees Henry Freeman the humans a safe distance away. The tower then explodes like 'milion stars and fire and loud noises', killing him along with the rest of the Combine and saving the world. After the Combines were gone the world was nice and no one was a slave or sad anymore. Henry Freeman was now president and the world was peaceful. The city was rebuilt and a statue of John Freeman was erected in the middle, proclaiming him as 'John Freeman Saver of Humens'. [b]Feats of Strength[/b]: John Freeman is strong enough to lift up an entire freight train and toss it over a bridge. He defeated an entire combine army with his bare hands and by 'barking necks'. He swatted several combine soldiers into a tower with enough force to knock it down. Created a black hole by 'turning on off' his computer. [b]Feats of Agility[/b]: Able to literally walk at the speed of light, and is able to fly. Other than this, he once started killing combine soldiers with his bear hands because he thought that bullets were too slow for him. On his motorcycle, he can drive at the speed of sound and do backflips at any given moment, even when it is clearly impossible to do so sometimes. Capable of doing a Matrix flip with two SMGs, taking out enemy combine soldiers. He has a ragdoll-like body, which means he can bend in impossible ways and flail his arms in random directions. [b]Feats of Toughness[/b]: Survived crashing into a train while in a combine dropship (which caused the entire thing to explode), then flew into the air and crashed into the ground. He was perfectly fine. He was hit by an opening door which caused him to fly a ridiculously long distance, somehow ending up in the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre, crashing into a pile of Weighted Storage Cubes. Once again, he survived without a scratch. He survived a direct hit from a combine rocket and tanked multiple bullets without stopping, and got stabbed by a combine ‘nife’, but pulled it out and stabbed the offending combine soldier in the ‘brane’. [b]Feats of Intelligence[/b]: Not exactly very smart [i]per se[/i], but John Freeman is able to go on the internet to look up the weaknesses of his enemies. His logic is very flawed, he once blew up a house some ‘zombie goasts’ were haunting so that they could be ‘at piece’. However, he was able to tell that a police officer was actually a headcrab zombie, which means he is not completely stupid. [b]Feats of Willpower[/b]: Literally nothing can stop John Freeman from doing what has tobe done. He instantly rushes to help Gordon Freeman from the ‘aliens and monsters’ that were attacking his place, leaving his office on his motorcycle to ‘live up to his family name and face full life consequences’. He travels all the way to Ravenholm, but is almost turned away due to a sign with someone’s handwriting that said ‘u shudnt come here’, but hears the screams of his brother, so he kept going. After Gordon is stepped on by the 'next bosss', John Freeman vows to defeat him and travels back to his office to look up the boss' weakness online. He returns to Ravenholm and defeats the boss. Later, when Earth gets conquered by the Combine, John Freeman fights his way through hordes of Combine troops, eventually sacrificing himself so that his son Henry Freeman and the rest of the humens could survive, saving the world and defeating the Combine for good. [b]Feats of Luck[/b]: John Freeman does not have many luck feats, although he is capable of flawlessly doing backflips on his motorcycle. [b]Feats of Perception[/b]: Heard his brother screaming from the other side of Ravenholdm, and shot ‘the final boss’ in the eye. Somehow precise enough to kick the ‘science’ off Gordon Freeman’s face. [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Masheen Gun[/b]: An MP7 SMG with a high fire rate. It apparently has infinite ammo as John Freeman is never seen reloading once. [*] [b]Laser Gun[/b]: A gun that shoots lasers that apparently do nothing but destroy trees [*] [b]Rocket Gun[/b]: RPG rocket launcher [*] [b]Nife[/b]: Knife for stabbing combines in the brane [*] [b]Motorcycl[/b]: John Freeman's motorcycle that can drive the speed of sound and can do backflips. It can also somehow carry a small army [*] [b]Other More Faster Motorcycle That Had Gas In It This Time[/b]: John Freeman's secondary mode of transport, similar to the first but mounted with weapons and much faster. See John Freeman's two motorcycles [url=http://pre14.deviantart.net/c0d3/th/pre/i/2014/123/0/9/the_john_freeman_motorcycle_collection_by_andrewnuva199-d7h1hgl.jpg]here[/url]. [/list] Since John Freeman has the power to pull anything out of his ass including finding wepons on the ground, and shooting a headcrab officer even though he didn't have any weapons, his true power is potentially unlimited. He also unintentionally causes the world around him to distort by his mere presence alone. Anyone around him will find themselves completely unable to refer to John Freeman by his first name, and can only refer to using his full name. John Freeman, being famed for being a mountain of bad writing, is almost impossible to predict, confusing opponents. Mind readers will find his mind completely incomprehensible. [b]GIFS[/b]: [list] [*] [url=http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2640859/john-freeman-o.gif]Flight[/url] [*] [url=https://giant.gfycat.com/VigilantEmotionalGalapagoshawk.gif]Flying through every Valve game[/url] [*] [url=https://giant.gfycat.com/PastelDaringHermitcrab.gif]Swatting combines away[/url] [*] [url=https://giant.gfycat.com/FakeCooperativeLacewing.gif]Train Toss[/url] [*] [url=https://giant.gfycat.com/PotableRepulsiveEgret.gif]Matrix flip[/url] [*] [url=http://i.makeagif.com/media/1-12-2017/MJbwI2.gif]Motorcycl skills[/url] [*] [url=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzgz4icAoS1qix2yh.gif]Dancing[/url] [/list] [b]Universe of Origin[/b]: [i]Half-Life: Full Life Consequences[/i] [/hider]