[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location:[/color]The Square, headed to the barracks.[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With:[/color]Vamon.[/center] The light conversation was enjoyable between periods of timeless reading. Some of those Spencer can recall selling foodstuffs to pass on by and thank her for her dirt-cheap supplies, to which she merely says she would do it all over again if it meant they could get by. Spencer knew how tough it was on the residents during The Cold Week, and if she was ever there during such an event she'd sell off her goods to them for a majorly discounted price. Not that she already did that, mind, but more than usual, just to help the town out. It made her feel good inside, since she knew it was what her mother and father would have liked her to do... As the last of the wandering folk disappeared into the tavern, Ira was left to her lonesome once more, and had finished reading several chapters in her philosophical text. It was a book preserved from humanity's time on the surface, and thus had a great deal of interesting concepts within: countries, cultures, ideals, ways of life. It was a doorway into the past, and Spencer was gobbling it up with a stupid-looking grin on her face. Everything about the world beyond just sounded so fascinating! Unfortunately, it also sounded incredibly scary... Speaking of incredibly scary... [color=ForestGreen]“That’s a rather difficult book.”[/color] A presumably young man had walked up to her, and caused Spencer's jaw to drop. The smell of sulfur was like a kick to her nostrils, and his apparel indicated he was something of a scoundrel. Ira gulped, fearing she might be getting mugged. Though the sentences which followed seemed to put her heart at ease some more. [color=crimson]"Oh, you need the barracks...?"[/color] Asked the young-looking girl meekly, getting to her feet and closing her book. She dusts her butt and smiles nervously at the young man, putting the book back into her pack. [color=crimson]"I can help you there and back, if you need. I... haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?"[/color] Though the young man still made her feel a little nervous, Ira has this thing where she grows more confident the more she talks. Also considering it was only a one-to-one conversation, she didn't need to worry about others judging her harshly. Though he looked a little creepy, she felt he wasn't the judgmental type. Despite the fact he judged her by her appearance. [color=crimson]"My name is Spencer: travelling merchant and bard. I'm in my twenties."[/color] It was bullshit, but the most believable age she could fish up over the years. Since she couldn't quite age, trying to stay young-looking with the excuse of still aging like a normal human requires her to lie about her age. At least until she learns how to brew illusion potions which will make her appear as though she's aged... Spencer slides on her backpack and greets Vamon with a more confident grin given her introduction, and presumably his. [color=crimson]"Just follow me~! I can lead you straight to the barracks and back."[/color] Voice quiet as a mouse, Spencer begins leading the way to Vamon's destination. It wouldn't be an awful long trip, but one that could still use some idle conversation, if her companion would allow it. [color=crimson]"So, where do you come from...? There are only so many places out there to come from, but people tend to surprise you. Me especially, since I'm something of a wimp, ehehee...!"[/color] [color=crimson][i]'This is... odd. Why are my cheeks feeling so warm...? Nerves...?'[/i][/color] Spencer felt confused, but mentally shrugged at the strange symptoms, guiding the young man to his destination.