[@jbeil][@Kratesis] Fine, fine posts, we await only [@BCTheEntity] and then we shall continue on our merry way. I will say that there are in actuality around twenty-four Sisters present and with you (including you three), although these are NPCs - just thought I'd point that out, if you thought you scraggy lot would be going it alone! :lol Dooooes anyone have any particular wants in regard to pacing? Sometimes there are those that feel RPs go a wee bit slow, and sometimes rightly so, so just thought I'd ask; I can get us into the action as soon as possible, or I can give us some character development time, or I can just do a wee bit of both...it's up to my participants, really. Long story short, I just don't want people feeling bored etc, bearing in mind that people have lives and the like.