Fiddlesticks hung his head in defeat. Nobody joined him in his rousing cheer. The crew just sat there, staring at him dumbfounded. Usually, when Fiddlesticks made a spectacle of himself, people called him names. Mean names such as dork, loser, squiggleblarq etc. This reaction caught him off guard. More so than the fact that he just made the crews robot maid laugh. Fiddlesticks had neither seen nor heard of a robot that had a sense of humour before. Rather than feeling embarrassed, Fiddlesticks felt relieved. He was beginning to like this crew already. Fiddlesticks sat himself back down on his chair. "So... Now that almost everyone I met is here. Anyone wanna talk about themselves while we wait for our food?" our robot maid asked of everyone. "I'm a cute robot, if that wasn't obvious." stated the robotic maid. Fiddlesticks agreed wholeheartedly. It did resemble a cute girl. Having a robotic maid around would be very useful. It could clean his smelly socks and underwear. Those things got really smelly and very nasty. Fiddlesticks decided to give it his dirty laundry once everyone was aboard the ship. "Hi, err I am Fiddlesticks. I'm the ships engineer." Fiddlesticks replied.