When Amelia spotted Taylor she knew instantly that something was wrong. When she spotted the robot silhouettes, however, she could guess. "Yeah, They won't do much harm now, Taylor but..." She stopped herself before she scared him further, interlacing his fingers with hers and pulling him through the small crowd towards her apartment building. She slipped out her keys and opened her apartment door, letting him in. The house phone was ringing non stop and Amelia frowned before reaching over and picking up the call, holographic subtles popping up before her. "THANK GOD!" "Tori what-" "LISTEN, GET OUT OF THERE! NOW!" "What are you-" "JUST TRUST ME, THE ROBOTS ARE COMING. SOMETHING MESSED UP I DON'T KNOW WHAT. JUST. THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU AND TAYLOR SO HAUL ASS!" The line cut short. The robots must've been listening in. She heard the faint clutter of machinery outside in the hallway and immediately ran to a small store room, pushing aside old manuals and batteries before closing her fingers around a laser gun. She pulled it out and ran back into the main room. She checked the power of her gun, grabbed Taylor's wrist and ran to her room, closing the doors and locking them before stuffing him into the closet. She climbed in after him and closed the closet doors, leaving a thin crack so it didn't look that suspicious. Her hands grappled behind her and closed around a metal baseball bat that her brother had left at her apartment. She handed it to Taylor carefully before aiming the gun at the door and bracing for the worst. The crackle of an electric lock picker sounded through her ears. [@Riverbeak]