-Several hours later- The common area was stuffed to the gills with every single member of their motley crew, most of which looked exhausted beyond words, but maintaining hopeful optimism in light of the purpose of their assembly. After the diplomats had debated, argued, slammed fists against tables and gone through the normal motions of politicking, a treaty had been written up and signed by those in attendance. With the agreement in place, the Council was called in to approve the treaty, which they did with some modifications. Finally, everything was put in place and the war that had begun six months ago was officially over; the ramifications, however, would be felt throughout the galaxy for years. With the heaviness of what was to come, Neta thought it best to call a meeting for every person on base as a way of not only thanking them for their service, but informing them of the potentially bright future they could be a part of if they so chose. The pilot stood at the entrance to the base, back towards the assembling crowd as she looked out towards the lush wilderness. It was difficult to believe that she was so close to seeing her children again. She could be a mom. A full time mom. She chuckled at the thought just as someone came alongside her, nudging her gently. "You look pensive." She smiled, nudging Yerbol back as she responded: "Just thinking is all." "About?" "Not having to lift a blaster pistol for hopefully the rest of my life." "So you think you're finished? Going to retire, riding off into the sunset on your frigid ship?" The Council members filtered in from various parts of the base to where Neta and Yerbol stood, the former patting him on the arm. "That's the idea, honeybunch." She took a sharp inhale, exhaling just as forcefully before following up with: "But first there's recognizing all these hard working men and women who fought for, you know, the galaxy's freedom." "Right." Yerbol swallowed hard as he turned around, mumbling; "You'd better give us a private goodbye." He thought he caught a shimmer in her right eye, but she wiped it away before retorting: "I wouldn't want anything else." Smiling broadly at the group, she looked to her left and right, nodding in approval. The Council, Ari, Yerbol, Elara, Saresh, a few of the diplomats brought over to their cause...they all stood side by side in front of the gathering. Time to say farewell. "We've been through...well, hell. All of us. We've sacrificed everything for this cause, to ensure that the galaxy had a future to look forward to. With YOUR help, we made that reality." She paused for a moment, looking over the crowd with a rush of sentimentality. "I know what it's like to give up everything you love to fight for a cause, to see your friends, people that worked with you side by side, sacrifice their very lives so that you could carry on their fight, so their sacrifices were not in vain. I stand in front of you now to tell you that you have shouldered their legacies in the best way possible. And I'm so, so proud of you all for that." She stepped forward a bit as she continued: "Chancellor Saresh has authorized a memorial for all those who have fallen, monuments established on several worlds including this one, to help us remember the bold men and women who died to secure our future. While we carry their memories with us in our hearts, we must move forward, to ensure that when we reflect on our fallen friends, we can know that the galaxy actually IS being made a better place. The Chancellor, along with the Council, have drawn up measures to ensure that you all have a place to call home after this." On cue, the Chancellor began: "Words cannot express how crippling, how devastating this conflict has been on the galaxy, on all of you. As a person elected to ensure that the people under my charge are taken care of, I failed. Miserably. But I hope that with our new found agreement and subsequent restructuring of the Alliance, we can make the galaxy a place where peace will be the only thing we know." She cleared her throat for a moment before continuing: "There will be sanctuary cities on Dantooine, Taris and Coruscant with potentially a few more springing up for those who need the assistance, both Force user and not. We would love for you all to join us on those worlds, as well as here, to help us build refuges for Force users who will need all the help they can get. We also invite you to join the Alliance, to help us rebuild our infrastructure and aid in helping our new government ascend past the petty squabbles of both Republic and Empire. No longer are we to be torn asunder by political differences! We WILL be one government, unified together for the good of mankind." Most in the assembly couldn't help but hoot cheers of approval, applauding vigorously. Once the crowd calmed down, she carried on: "We would also understand if you needed time to make your decision, to go home and see your families. To that end, we will be providing a sum of credits to use at your leisure. We hope to see you in our ranks, but understand if this war has taken too much of a toll on you to carry on with another struggle. I exhort you to talk to any one of us if you have any questions or suggestions for us." A rare smile cracked the Twi'lek's features. "At this rate, your ideas would probably be just as good as my own." Scattered laughter crossed the room as Neta wrapped up: "This is all still very much a work in progress, seeing as our good Council is still in talks about how to proceed with certain aspects of our plan, but know that their talks don't affect your timeline. Inform Elara, your new base commander, of your decision and then proceed with whatever you wish to do...and know that I appreciate you. Each one of you. Thank you...thank you from the bottom of my heart." The assembled crowd let out cries of joy that could only come from those who had been fighting a mercilessly tiring war for half a year, hugging and other forms of celebration occurring. Voldon took the opportunity to motion for Aria and Yerbol to follow him outside along with the other Force users who had stood at the front of the crowd. Once they were far enough from the base, he addressed them: "Much has yet to be decided, but we at least have a working title." Jungze chuckled. "Council of Elders does make us sound a bit on the aged side, doesn't it, Voldon?" The Battlemaster smirked. "Well, I think it reflects our wisdom." "An idealist as always." Yerbol raised a brow, asking: "So...wait...what about Jedi? Sith?" Jungze shook her head. "My dear, if this conflict has taught us one thing, it's that our Orders did nothing but hamstring us from dedicating ourselves to understanding the true nature of the Force. Jedi, Sith...titles mean nothing now. Well, they do for some. I don't think Cheriss will want to drop her 'Darth' title, but alas, I think there would be some distinction in being the only Darth left in the galaxy that we know of." "What happens now?" "We're all going to help with the restoration efforts on different worlds once we've gathered our bearings here. Malu-" He motioned to Jungze. "Is going to try and find any survivors with a group of Alliance ships for transport." "How fun that will be." She quipped. "And what of us?" The young Knight asked cautiously. "You decide that. Nothing binds you to keep fighting, but we would gladly accept the help." Yerbol nodded thoughtfully, adding to Voldon's comment: "So you all are rebuilding...well, scratch that, creating something totally new from this ash heap Bracknell left. Sounds like something I'd like to be a part of once...well, let's just say that I'll see you when I see you." Voldon chuckled in understanding. "And what of our Miss Saal, hmm?" Jungze drew a bit closer to Aria, placing a comforting hand on her arm. "Surely you don't want to jump right back into the fray? Go off with Yerbol somewhere and do something young people do, like ice skate or play arcade games." "Ice skate? Arcade games? They're not fifteen, Malu." Matt chortled out. "Oh you know what I mean. Go enjoy yourselves. There'll always be work for you two to get done when you return from your hiatus."