[@Ryouko] Shupavu looked at both of them and considered Cyren's request. "Alright, just be careful." He almost wanted to go with, but knew his son was waiting on him. "Do you want to take Kc with you? If not, I'll have Zi take her to the dens." He didn't want to just take the cub away since she seemed to know this hyena. [@DeadlyPhoenix] Gumu sighed as layed in his spot at the dens. "Is it safe yet?" He asked Artemis. [hr] [@Aqua Fire] "Okay." Zaliwa said as she watched the lion run off. She sat down as she waited for his return. Maybe she could do some more self-training in the meantime and so she did just that. [hr] [@Ninkitty] When they returned, Maisha went to her den and put her male cub down in front of it. She then looked up at Kisari. "You can go make yourself at home or do whatever you want for now. I have [i]something[/i] to do." On 'something' she gestured towards her son. Roho sat in front of the den, head still bowed down in shame. Malaika was happy to see her brother was back and about to get a talking to. [i]Serves him right.[/i] She mentally laughed at her own thought. Olivia had been on cub duty for quite awhile and could sure use a break, but knew she would have to wait till the queen was done teaching Roho a lesson.