[center][img]http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/QpjQVTZiwAYB80JKBVq44A62953[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=0076a3] Silvan Mastro [/color][/center][/h1] Silvan looked at the man next to him, the one who had appeared to have been talking to the strange women who jumped off the cliff. He seemed to hold himself in high esteem, from the body language he was reading. Good posture, shoulders and head held up, and from the way he was standing it seemed as if he had pride and confidence not seen in normal people. Silvan copped him as a soldier right away, but other than that he could not get more from just examining him. Silvan did not trust military, like them, or even want them. Ex military cops were always the worst to deal with. Silvan gave the man, Cody, a two finger salute and shrugged. Silvan walked back towards the bunker, looking around the outside one last time before going back inside. Inside, Silvan realized how hungry he was. His stomach rumbled, and realized now that he had introduced himself to quite a number of people he could brazingly walk into the kitchen area and eat now. He didnt need to sneak around. As Silvan walked to the dining area Silvan pondered about things inside his head, barely noticing the people he walked past. He thought about how the events leading up to today, about the job he had been planning before he came to the bunker. He was going to break into a high security building to steal a priceless emerald. It was as big as his fist, and shined brighter than a flashlight. If stolen, he would have cut the emerald into smaller pieces and sold it one piece at a time on the black market, easily scoring well over a mill on each piece. If sold right and no trouble came up, he could have made almost a quarter billion dollars. Then the days being holed up in the bunker. He had invented away from the scraps he was able to scavenge, but why did he choose to scavenge. Why did he choose to avoid most people. He could manipulated people easily into getting what he wanted, he could have made friends, he would have a rep already. But Silvan shook his head. From what he gathered the people that were left here were not easily manipulated people. They seemed strong willed. Made of sterner stuff. And he did not want to make enemies so soon. Then came the development of getting......well no other word for it. Super powers. He could make electricity, a human conductor. That was super freaking weird. But Silvan thought he could make himself useful with this power. He was sure that generators needed powering, maybe even fixing up. Maybe even smaller appliances. Silvan arrived into the kitchen area, and the smell was almost overpowering. In part because as he smelled the food, his stomach went into an uproar. He realized he was more hungry than he realized. Silvan looked around the friendly faces. Then Silvan cracked his knuckles. He was starving now and he needed food. Silvan looked through the pantries and the cabinets and pulled out many different items. There wasnt a super lot he could do with what he had, but he would make it work. After about twenty minutes he had whipped up a feast. Using his powers to cook things faster, Silvan made chicken and waffles. Silvan grabbed part of the entire amount of food he made, took a step back, and with one plate in hand and other hand free he ravaged his food. [@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy]