Ri'vashi crossed her arms, staring down Gallus with a hard-to-read expression. Though, she did look away for just a moment to take another drink. "Ri'vashi...thinks she should do as Ri'vashi pleases. Maybe she will speak to him; maybe she won't. Maybe Ri'vashi just doesn't need a romance in her life right now. That is a possibility for someone, you know? Even if this one cannot claim personal experience, she does know that she has been happy before, without anyone being [i]that[/i] close to her, emotionally speaking. Can't you say that about yourself? That you've been happy without having someone you'd consider a 'romantic' partner? It might be easier for Ri'vashi to just not try to connect herself to someone like that." Though she was comfortable speaking with Gallus about such personal matters, she could not help but to shift uncomfortably in her seat. Being able to speak to someone about it still did not mean it was pleasant by any means. She spoke up again, mostly just to fill the silence. "Oh, and, it isn't really accurate to call Ri'vashi a clan leader anymore. She doesn't have a clan to lead. She is more of a General now."