[quote=@Lunarlors34] [@Oblivion666] Oh Shadow Heart does....stuff. Of the...evil variety. Various. Evil. Stuff. Yes. That's what they do >.> *looks over at Angela and Indigo setting guards pants on fire* Yep. Totally evil, groundbreaking, world-ending stuff :D I mean they sorta just do whatever the hell they want really. Kinda their thing, indiscriminate destruction and violence, burning down villages, playing canasta, ruining people's lives in general, being a completely unfocused group of delinquents whose run by a small child-like entity, baking probably the best damned cookies in Fiore. They do it all and more :D Just wait till they actually get focused on Georgie's goal XD (I did state it in her CS) It'll be [i]fun[/i] for all The real question is what DON'T they do ;) (Well apparently NOT set guards pants on fire XD) [s]Though Manami can be a bit of a spoil sport. Also I highly doubt Shark Attack has the same goal as Georgie in the slightest XD[/s] Excellent. When shall we begin the gorging? XD [/quote] I can name three characters who will be kill joys and I control one of them.