[h1][center][color=orange]Zectoll[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [i]Day 4: Desirable Rocks, Restless energy[/i] A look of surprise came upon Zectoll'face as Skubli revealed himself from underneath his dark mantle. Zectoll had thought that perhaps Skubli was something else, not a goblin such as himself--and a tiny one at that.[color=orange]You need to eat more meat. You will surely perish if you stay as you are [/color] Zectoll said nodding to Lomen bidding him to chime in and agree. Though as he looked at his priestly brother he remembered how the goblin was actually quite thin, so much so that his spine was clearly visible. Zectoll rubbed his chin, deciding he would work on fattening the two Goblins up later. Zectoll was curious about the rocks inside Skubli's alcove. He looked around the cave walls. It all looked like plain rock to him. There must be something special about the stone inside the alcove. Zectoll thoughts were interrupted by Goblins Stegs and Luz. It seemed that they were recruiting Goblins Skubli for some type of mission. Zectoll surmised that Stegs was like Kashi, the type of goblin whow was interested in building things for the sake of building them, unlike himself and Lomen. While he was curious as to what they're plans were he was also becoming restless. His instincts were urging him to engage in what many other younglings of other predatory species engage. Playful roughhousing that mimics the move sets necessary to hunt prey. His instincts become thoughts.He figured that if he were able to grow in skill by practicing alone, that he would grow more so by practicing with others [color=orange]Before the day is through we should have a mock hunt[/color] Zectoll said to Lomen. Of all the Goblins in the cave Lomen was among those with experience fighting and hunting and thus would be a match for himself, Zectoll thought. While a "mock hunt" wasn't the proper word to describe a sparring match, it was the only way he could described it. To his young mind any form of combat was ultimately a hunt for something whether it be food, materials, or in this particular case, knowledge and skill [hider=Goblins] [@The 4 winds] [@December] [@Duthguy] [@demonspade64][/hider]