The Russian girl quipped quickly that he needed to man up and take the weapon he was given. The job would be simple and he only needed it for self protection. However apparently she had thought it over more quickly afterward and traded Robert for their weapons. [color=fff200]"Whatever just make sure you're good with that thing and girly I hope you don't fuck yourself with that gun. I know you're a war hero to some people in the E.U. but we only got so much time to do this and get out."[/color] grumbled Garcia as he pulled up to the gate and then quickly looked up at the guard who stood guard here. [color=fff200]"Patrol delta here. Coming in from the suspected report of Black Knight activity. No signs. We're here to switch our shift over to the next crew."[/color] claimed Garcia as the guard upstairs quickly nodded. [color=f26522]"Understood? Was the trip dandy?"[/color] asked the guard upstairs casually as the hacker quickly told him that it was indeed a dandy time. The guard nodded in affirmation as Garcia looked back at him confused. [b]"Code word. Go."[/b] the hacker explained as the gate opened and the crew went in. Around the base there were two sutherlands patrolling, a few groups of soldiers walking to various places around the hangers, and some trucks piled up here and there with supplies. [b]"COME ON MAGGOTS THE SHIPMENT WILL BE HERE IN TEN. GET A MOVE ON!"[/b] shouted the commanding officer as he ordered men to do what they needed to do complaining about raw recruits as he did so. The guard from the gate came down and quickly told them nothing had changed and they needed to move. And move [i]quickly.[/i][color=fff200]"Alright understood thanks for the info. Alright guys out you go me and Robert got a meeting planned. You know the orders."[/color] Garcia said as he pulled himself out of jeep and cracked his neck as he adjusted the assault rifle strapped to his shoulder. The Russian girl quickly nodded and jumped out of the jeep quickly making a quick dart to Shiomi, and her objective.