[center][h2][color=0076a3]Karen[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/I9jUIAI.png[/img] [@Animal][@FallenTrinity][@Gutshot][@liferusher][@Duoya][@Demous][@Shmektheshmuck][@sharksama][@cloudystar][@Nerv][@Aladdin sanity][@KimmiNinja][@Jedly][@Rune_alchemist][@Natsu][@Poke][/center] The door of the bell made her notice that someone was entering the store. Out of curiosity she peered from the broom closet to the front with a blank expression. A bucket had fallen over her head when she was throwing all the stuff in the closet around to find what she needed. Slowly she shifted back into the broom closet throwing all kind of supplies out of it. From the front she could hear Ender talking to her, Karen quickly got out a pen and a piece of paper showing it to him from a distance. [center][color=0076a3]"Wanna see for yourself?"[/color][/center] The turret activated and turned over towards Ender, for a moment it looked like it was gonna shoot him to death but that wasn't the case... for now. [center][color=0076a3]"Toy turret."[/color][/center] Karen got out of the closet with a bottle of dangerous cleaning liquid in her hand and the bucket still fixated on her head. With the same blank expression she got closer to Ender. Karen stared at him for a moment before trying to pick up her own made turret again to show him the problem. There was close to no way that she was gonna lift this herself and it would be a pain in the ass too, it would probably have been wiser to let the clone come to here so she could defend him here but whatever. That building was way more secure. Karen glanced away from him as she wrote on another piece of paper. [center][color=0076a3]"Please carry it."[/color][/center] Karen heard the others talk over the communication channel, they got excited over finding some coffee... Was she taking this too seriously or were the others taking this way too lax. E...M...P... this was gonna be bad for her one way or the other. Karen her face whitened as she suddenly disappeared, pixelating back into her own world again as the bucket hit the ground in front of him. All the screens in the shop turned to arrows pointing out of the store and towards the place she wanted it to be. Karen suddenly let a voice erupted from Garen his earpiece only. It was loud enough to hear from a short radius. A sweet loud energetic voice sounded from his earbud. It was from her own created AI that did the talking for her! [center][color=0076a3]"STOOOPPP!! Please don't drop the EMP near the mapped coordinations on your phone pretty please, she says. Over"[/color][/center] Next thing up was a girl enthusiastically yelling that she found pizza... What was this team made off. They were never gonna win at this rate... At last the teacher said that the hero team could engage, hurry hurry now.