[center][color=silver][h3]~Lucille Geroux~[/h3][/color] Location: Hau'oli city, Beach [/center] It didn't take long for Lucille to arrive at the site of the commotion. Despite the warning to get back, Lucy couldn't help but to be curious and completely disregard the warning. This was too fun of an opportunity to pass up, though...two men on the shore seemed intent on battling it out. How boring. She wasn't really a fan of battling - making love not war was something she greatly invested in. That said...the Salandit on her shoulder looked on eagerly. Lazza tilted her head, the grinning lizard watching with rapt attention. Lucille sighed. Well, she might as well let Lazza have her fun. [color=silver]"Tsk...always with men and their silly fighting...oh alright dear."[/color] She said to the lizard with a huff. [color=silver]"Do what you do best, but try not to become fish food."[/color] Besides, who knows? Riling it up a bit with a well placed attack could lead to some...interesting developments. The Salandit laughed in the pokemons typical way, hopping off of Lucilles shoulder and onto the beach. The lizard didn't even need to be ordered to attack. It lowered its body close to the ground, tail swishing high in the air as flames danced on it. She opened her mouth towards the fish from behind the two boys. Realizing what was about to happen, Lucille held back a laugh. Lazza wouldn't, would she? It'd certainly give the two boys a heart attack probably, but that's what made it funny. The only warning the two of them would have, would be another laugh form the Salandit as a bright orange ball of energy formed in Lazza's mouth, a stream of energy blasting towards the Wishiwashi. The powerful beam of energy barely missing Io and Lorenzo, grazing right between their heads and intended to slam into the Wishiwashi. Dragon Rage was not a particularly strong attack against higher level pokemon, but against lower leveled ones? Well, it could do more than a little damage.