[hr] [center][h1][color=c4df9b]Jeanette 'Mosi' Crane[/color][/h1] [img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/ed9930859bc47a9dcec4d0f033d5eada/tumblr_mr9z1uSuQU1ryrxwno2_250.gif [/img] Location: Wyndham Estate[/center] [hr] [color=c4df9b]“Quite the unpleasant surprise it was when we saw it.”[/color] Mosi stated with a frown as she looked back towards Hyde park[color=c4df9b].” I have a very bad feeling about this, Virginia. There are little things that just irk me the wrong way. Like a souless appearing just before a big event as the one that's going to be happening later today.”[/color] Jeanette said with a sigh then, her face getting a very unhappy expression.[color=c4df9b]” I will be attending the event at the Almacks later. I received a request to check their Presence Guards and an invitation to the event itself. Coupled with some incredibly unpleasant nightmares, I just don't believe good things are coming.”[/color] Mosi stated and looked down the street.[color=c4df9b]” I wish I had time to perform an Ethete, but sadly seem today I will be pressed for time. ”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“Will do if they are not able to summon a specialist for this fast enough, but I also suspect the cargast will require some tracking down as I'm really doubtful the ghostly annoyance will stay at that place for too long.”[/color] Mosi replied with a smile and let out a soft laugh.[color=c4df9b]” Yes, I can at least provide physical protection. Wait... you had terrible nightmares too?”[/color] She asked, realizing Virginia's statement. As someone who grew up in the New World, she knew that dreams were a very important thing, one that often brought signs. After that Jeanette looked at Fyror and smiled.[color=c4df9b]” I should introduce you two, Virginia, this is Fyror. I met him during my daily morning walk in Hyde park. He's a good person and one I will be able to call friend. Fyror, this is Virginia, a friend of mine whom I've known for years.”[/color] She introduced the two of them to each other, with a rather informal manner. Friendships should be thing forged fast and true. Artificial 'formalities and manners' only got in the way~ [color=c4df9b]“Miss Wyndham, it's always a pleasure to meet you too, wish it was under better circumstance though.”[/color] Mosi replied with a smile and slight bow of her head, attempting to keep some semblance of manners with Milli. Not so much cause she cared about what people will consider of her, but more of respect toward the other woman who appeared to held those manners in importance, but in a true way that defied the nonsense of the society.[color=c4df9b]” Yes, a Cargast has appeared behind the walls. Right in Hyde park no less. It attacked in broad daylight.”[/color] Mosi quickly explained not losing any more time.[color=c4df9b]” I plan to go to the nearby church in hope for them to get someone who could deal with this specific entity. I sadly lack the ability to oppose them directly.”[/color] [color=c4df9b]“I just hope things get dealt with quickly here. Because as much as I dislike it, I need to go to the Almacks later in advance, before the event starts, to inspect their Presence Guards. Considering one Cargast made it inside, it's better to make sure such public places with lots of people are well protected.”[/color]