[h1][center][color=SpringGreen] Private Hexner [/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [@CirusArvennicus] The Artillery shell had really knocked Aria around. Bringing up a lot of rather unpleasant memories for the young woman. Completely forgetting she was in battle. As she relived another in her mind. The battle the saw nearly all of her first company die. Those she had called friends, those she had trained with. She watched them all die again. Recalling vividly the every detail of that battle. Her eyes going distant almost empty her normally stoic expression waving slightly. As if some sort of emotion was trying to break out of a very thick shell. Aira completely out of it as she was dragged into a nearby house. What dragged Aria out of her mind was Lilly offering her an SMG. Aria taking as her eyes came back into focus. The events of the battle flooding back into her. She started to recall roughly where she was and what she was meant to be doing. Although she was a little confused by her pack being off her back and where she was exactly. However, it didn't matter, as her mind refocused on Lilly. Nodding at Lilly command to make sure no imps snuck up on the rest of the squad. [color=SpringGreen]"Yes."[/color] She said faintly looking at Lilly. Aria struggling to focus as intense pain her back and head set in. Aria given a pained expression for just a moment. Dropping the weapon in her hands. [i][color=SpringGreen]"Just how long was she out of it for?"[/color][/i] Aira thought looking at Regan who gestured towards her. [color=SpringGreen]"Just need ragnaid, then will be okay."[/color] Aria said reaching for where her pack was only to find it off her. Looking around she found it. Taking a ragnaid. Aria activating it she exhaled as the pain in her back and head faded to a manageable level. Aria looking at Regan, who she noticed was looking a little worse for wear. Now able to focus Aria first clear thought was helping Regan. [color=SpringGreen]"I'm trained as a field medic. I can help ... I can't use an SMG anyway. Barely able to use a rifle."[/color] Aria said slowly moving towards the lancer. Trying not let the pain in her back and head bother her too much.