[center][h1]Ruler[/h1][/center] [center]Day 1, Monday, October 2004[/center] [center]9:00 PM [/center] [center]St. Vitus Cathedral [/center] [hr] Father Matthews ran his hand slowly down the polished surface of the pews lining the inside of the Grand Cathedral of St. Vitus. Though it was opulent as ever, he could tell that it had been a long time since it had served its rightful purpose. He could smell it, he thought, the scent of the many tourists that this place had played host to for the past 50 years. It galled him, that this grand temple, a treasure of the Holy Church, should be reduced to a mere museum piece to be viewed idly by curious travelers. Now though, that scent was just barely perceptible. Lifting his gaze up to the altar he felt a shiver of holy apprehension run down his spine as he viewed the white clad figure which knelt there, praying. His Holiness had changed everything here, and in short order. Now troops of Executioners and Exorcists, the finest of the Holy Church's secret army, marched through every corner of the place, praying and sanctifying this holy ground in the name God. A great evil was loose in this city, and soon, a further host of pagan legends would come, hell bent on shedding each other's blood. The Church would not be idle. No. This miracle would see through to its fulfillment, the Holy Crucible would descend upon them, and then... Father Matthews shook his head, and ascended the steps of the alter, laying a soft hand on the shoulder of Ruler. "Your Holiness. It is time to begin. They approach." Ruler stirred, lifting his careworn face turning towards the doors of the Cathedral as they slowly swung open, admitting the first of the contestants.