Here he is! My Bolton, complete with goatee! [hider=House Bolton] [center] [h2] House Bolton [/h2] [/center] [center] [h3] Our Blades are Sharp [/h3] [/center] [center] [img][/img] [/center] Region: The North Liege: N/A Holding: Castle Ethering Recent History: The house of Bolton was very powerful approaching the long night. A tactical assassination left them with the entire paramountcy of the North. With the coming of the long night, Daenerys Targaryen pressed her claim on Westeros, and House Bolton was eager to change to the winning side. The Boltons had hoped to establish a peace agreement with the new queen, thus firmly cementing their place as Lords Paramount of the North with the backing of royalty, but then unexpected events led to their downfall. As it turns out, the supposed bastard son of Ned Stark, Lord Commander on the Wall, was actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen. He renounced his rightful place on the wall, and forsook his vows by marrying the queen and having children. He got to Daenerys first, and told them an obviously false story of the alleged Bolton treachery. She broke the peace agreement with the Boltons and sent an army led by King Jon to sack Winterfell and the Dreadfort, driving the line largely into the ground. Family Members: Name: William Bolton Age: 24 Appearance: At first glance, William is the spitting image of his grandfather, down to the shocking gauntness, the utter paleness of his skin, and the milky irises of his eyes that never seem to blink. Standing at a towering 6'5", he looks down upon almost everyone in the world in multiple senses of the phrase. One of his most distinctive features is his facial hair, which forms a ring around his mouth. Role: Claimant of the Dreadfort Equipment: The ancestral blade of Bolton, a sword, and some plate armor. Skills: Like his form, William's mind reflects that of his ancestors. He has a keen eye for detail, and knows immediately if something seems off just by looking at him. However, ancestry gives and takes away, and William is also insanely paranoid, believing that all encouragements are lies and all comments are threats. Biography: William is the last of the line of Boltons, claiming blood from Ramsay and Roose before him. When the Starks returned to Winterfell, led by Jon, Ramsay stayed behind to make an insane final stand where he met his end. Jeyne, under the custody of the Starks, gave birth in her prison chambers to William, who miraculously survived the dark unclean environment. Of course, nobody in the North had any desire to ward this child, borne of their enemies. So reluctantly, he was allowed to stay a ward of Winterfell, where a close eye could be kept on him. When Sansa left to oversee the Dreadfort, she took William with her, and granted him the humble castle of Ethering, where he has ruled since. Notes: [/hider]