When she began to play with his hair, he felt himself lean into it. Enjoying the gentle touch of her and finding the feeling of her fingers to be something comforting and relaxing. A soft sign left him as he enjoyed the feeling before she pulled back from his hair and his eyes flickered open. His mouth dropped into a pout. Why did she stop? It felt nice and she said she had a good date. Was she actually not happy with it… His questioning stopped when she stated that he never told her that he was also taking classes. His fine lips dropped into a frown and his fingers began to play with each other as he became visibly nervous. When she questioned why he didn’t tell her and called him out on being honest with her he let out a gentle sigh feeling nervous about looking at her but, well he didn’t want to keep anything from her. “Your… your father is giving me the opportunity to attend college while I perform my duties as your butler. MY schedule is based around yours so it wouldn’t inconvenience either one of us. And I didn’t tell you because…” he took a deep breath, [i]be honest with me[/i] running through his mind, “You are such a caring person that if you knew I was both performing my duties as your butler and the rest of my spare time to attend college you would go into panic mode and assume I never sleep or eat. Than you would start to panic, start trying to do stuff for yourself and for me in hopes of making my job easier, then you’d either injure yourself or get sick and end up consequently giving me more work to do instead of just letting me do my job that I enjoy.” With that he pulled his gaze from his hands to look at her, a tiny innocent smile moving along his fine lips. “Am I wrong?”