She couldn't help feeling just a little guilty that almost immediately he got rather nervous, fidgeting with his hands. Hearing his reasons for keeping it from her, it seemed it was her turn to pout a little. Did have to be so...[i]correct?[/i] Indeed being around her as often as he did, James wasn't unaware of her habits and need to help if she felt she was a bother. Freya had been known on more than one occasion to completely ignoring her own well-being to make sure others were taken care of. It was in her nature to help others, but it often didn't end well for her, or for James for that matter. Freya being sick at the manor meant that he had to set aside extra time to see to her recovery, she couldn't imagine what that would entail here. Sighing softly, she resisted the urge to pinch at James' nose when he smiled towards her knowingly. A small laugh left her and she returned her fingers to his hair again. [color=0072bc][b]"Maybe, maybe not. I'm glad that you enjoy work so much. Though, I'm not wrong for trying to help you because I honestly don't think you would sleep. I don't know if you've seen yourself lately, James, but you are known to work yourself sick, remember?"[/b][/color] She teased with a smile. Though, she wasn't sure if he was sick from working all the time, or from that evening they went to the fair. They had stayed out late and the air was pretty chilly... However, she thought it only fair to let him know. [color=0072bc][b]"I [b]knew[/b] you were taking classes, James."[/b][/color] She wasn't looking directly at him, too busy simply enjoying the feel of his hair in her hands. She couldn't imagine what his face looked like. Hopefully it would cause his nerves to settle a bit. [color=0072bc][b]"Annie spilled the beans on her first weekend over, you didn't think she would really keep it from me, did you?"[/b][/color] It wasn't a secret the two girls were close, usually using the weekends that they had together to play catch up. Giggling, she leaned down and embraced him from behind. [color=0072bc][b]"You're not mad at me for keeping it a secret that I knew, are you James?" [/b][/color]She asked, resting her chin on his shoulder as she passed a guilty look his way. [color=0072bc][b]"Don't kick me out~"[/b][/color] She whined, before giggling. She knew James wouldn't tell her to leave over something silly like that. Leave... She turned to look at the time, and then back to James. [color=0072bc][b]"Did you want me to head back to my apartment for the evening?"[/b][/color] They had pretty much finished their hot chocolate, and she still wasn't sure if he had agreed to cuddling afterwards, so she offered to leave just in case. He didn't have an obligation to do it after all.