[color=00a651][center]Malkai[/center][/color] A flying blade came out and stabbed the gnoll in the neck as he flailed, causing him to clutch his neck in a vain attempt to staunch the bleeding. In that moment of pause Malkai took advantage of the opportunity to take his spear and stab the gnoll in the chest with it, knocking him into the ground. Another stab or two in the chest and the gnoll stopped moving. He looked over to the halfling on the ground as well as a few other gnolls still fighting, though they surely weren’t going to last very long. Ripping his spear out of the dead gnoll Malkai now clutched his magic staff and moved forward to deal with the gnoll runt. It was going to try to attack the halfling on the floor, but the half-orc intercepted the creature. With a single swing, malkai knocked out the gnoll with a single blow to the head. He was debating whether or not to interrogate this creature or not. Look down at Parum Malkai lowered his hand towards her. [color=00a651]”Get up. It’s not over just yet.”[/color] [hr] [color=7ea7d8][center]Veridis Quo[/center][/color] This battle seemed to be coming to a close. With that in mind Veridis still remained vigilant and urged his horse forward. But because it wasn’t combat trained it gave Veridis some trouble, though he ultimately managed to win it over to approach the now dying gnolls. Of all the combatants here, it seemed like only Catarina and Alexander sustained some minor injuries, which they could heal with a good night’s rest. The last gnoll was a giant one, who was kneeling on the ground. Rage still blinded him to move forward, even though the scorpion’s venom was starting to take in effect. While the gnoll would most certainly be dead, the most merciful and practical option would be to kill it now, instead of letting it suffer this pain and agony any further. Drawing his lute Veridis fired a sonic bolt at the gnoll, it’s resonance powerful enough to impact the creature’s head like a hammer blow. It wasn’t particularly gory or messy, but once the giant fell his body shrank back down to normal size and his heart was no longer beating. [color=7ea7d8]”Who needs healing?”[/color] [hr] [center][color=a36209]Gnolls[/color][/center] One by one his warriors were being taken down. The boss growled in his dying breath, regretting bothering try to parley with these adventurers. Should have just ambushed them in their sleep, or rain arrows on them from afar. Snarling and spitting out blood he saw Catarina approach with the intent to kill him, and the gnoll boss knew his time would come. But if he was going to die, then he would spit in the face of death. Just as Catarina was going to plunge her blade, the gnoll did the same, swinging with all his might to cleave through Catarina’s armor. While her plate was certainly strong, the gnoll boss swung with all his strength as well, strong enough that while he may not cleave through Catarina’s body in one blow, he could at least sink his blade into her side. His blade, like the other gnoll’s, were coated in a paralytic poison meant to be used to capture Vivian. The poison are hard to resist and harder to cure, as no common anti-toxin would remove it. It required magic to rid of, or a very specific cure. A local one, granted, but by no means an easy one to acquire. The Domina sunk into the gnoll’s neck. Dropping his weapons the gnoll’s life was extinguished, his body sliding down the blade and falling to the ground. Blood oozed from his neck and stained the sand in red. With his death, all the gnolls were either dead or incapacitated. For a moment, the battle was over.