[@1Hawkeyes][@KatherinWinter] Then he suddenly realised that the tree looked uneven and the leavs were to big. [color=fff200] "Well at least i can make it seem like a tree."[/color] Edmond said while his hand and arm flinched. The motion making his fire go out, he then takes in a few deep breaths to cool the rest of himself of. Edmond then moves his other arm to pull his sleeve down to cover his arm and rist. Edmond was sort of getting tired from using his powers so he just decided to stop for a bit. Helena then said something about what fire can do. Edmond rased an eyebrow at this then looked back at his hands. [color=fff200]"Hummm...i guess your right. Fire can do a lot but i can only manage a little."[/color] He said. He then turned to the counselors as one of them asked if any of them could swim. Edmond raised his hand and said in a small voice. [color=fff200]"I can't swim...haha."[/color] Edmond held a nervous grin as he looked at the counselors and back at Helena as if he is waiting for her to say something.