Kaleeth had been stressing herself about the ceremony for the past few days, but she could at least answer Janius confidently. "Everything is as ready as I can make it. It's a shame he won't be able to have his ceremony in the presence of the Hist, but at least we have the sap." Kaleeth could admit that Meesei might have been more qualified to carry out the ceremony, but even Meesei had not performed a Naming Day ceremony before. Her responsibilities as Treeminder of her village did not include such ceremonies. Regardless, Meesei had offered her advice. Kaleeth's naming day ceremony had been one of the earliest and most impactful days of her life, and she wanted to give her son the same experience. It was greatly important to Kaleeth, as evidenced by the almost excessive amount of effort that she had been placing into preparing. In truth, it was neither that long nor complicated of a ceremony, but Kaleeth wanted it to be perfect. Several of the pack's friends had been able to escape their duties long enough to attend the ceremony. Newt and Rhazii had several friends their age that were coming along. Fortunately, a few of their parents were also in attendance to make sure they did not grow too rowdy during the ceremony itself. Gallus' pack joined them as well, and even Ri'vashi was able to attend, as she had told Kaleeth and Janius the previous day. Although, Ri'vashi had not actually said anything to anyone yet. "Well, I think he looks cute all the time." Kaleeth chuckled to Uthri. "But, yes, he looks even cuter now. I don't think Newt is used to all this attention being on him. Back in the village, all of the hatchlings of the same age would go through the ceremony at the same time. I was worried he would get nervous at all the attention, but I think the, um, birthday tradition you have has helped. We didn't have birthdays back in my village, so it was rare for everyone to have a celebration for one person. It doesn't seem that strange here, though."