Here's my character. [hider=Taria Snow] [b]Name:[/b] Taria Snow [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Affiliation:[/b] House Greyjoy [b] Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Taria is around 5 and a half feet tall and about 130 lbs. [b]Profession:[/b] Wanderer, will work for coin (except prostitution). [b]Equipment: [/b] Taria is not really a picky sort of person. The weapons she carries vary from time to time. If one's broken, she'll leave it to pick up another. She could very well have a longsword one day and a dagger the next. At the starting of the roleplay, she will have two hunting knives like this. [img][/img] She has a fur lined cloak, a satchel filled with unperishable foods and an extra pair of clothes, and a skin for water. [b]Skills: [/b] Having travelled most of her life, Taria is strong and hardy. One could call her the jack (of jill?) of all trades. To make coin, she's dabbled in all sorts of jobs during her travels. She can defend herself with a blade, she can build a camp, she can navigate land easily, and she can handle a small ship by herself. She has nimble fingers and can be a skilled thief when she means to, though as she grew older, her thieving skills were pushed to the side. She is very observant, even when it seems as if she's not paying attention. Her eyes and ears pick up things quite easily, so she knows where to gather information from while remaining inconspicuous. She also has a strong memory, remembering things others forget or deem unworthy of remembering. [b]Biography:[/b] Theon Greyjoy had been known as a man with prowess in bed. It was only natural, then, that he had left behind some sown seeds that came to bloom. Taria was one of these bastards. She was born to a prostitute in a brothel near Winterfell and was duly forgotten by her father. Granted, the situation taking place throughout the world at large at the time of her birth was rather severe. A war had just started and continued on for most of her infant and toddler years. Winterfell fell twice, once by her own father's hands, and next by the Bolton. By the time it returned to the Starks, Taria was already nearing three years of age. In fact, it was quite a surprise she managed to survive all the turmoil in the North as well as the War for the Dawn. Peace was thankfully restored by the time Taria was around ten years of age, and as such, life returned to normal. Her mother hadn't stopped 'working' during all this time, so there was not much attachment between her and Taria. One thing that she had however told her daughter was that her father was the Commander at Castle Black. It wasn't a thing of pride, really, but it did incite curiousity in the girl. If there was one thing she knew, it was that she was never going to make money with her body like her mother. While she remained at the brothel, she continued to clean, earning coin and stealing when she could. She was thirteen when deemed old enough to work alongside her mother. By this time, however, Taria had stashed away enough coin with which she could travel from Winterfell. She followed the King's Road northward, at first wishing to reach Castle Black and confront her father. However, after some months of travelling alone (as she didn't exactly trust men to leave a girl alone), she decided it wasn't worth the cold. What exactly would she ask him? It wasn't like she was the only Snow. There were plenty of bastards around, there wasn't anything special about her. Her journey to Castle Black cut prematurely, Taria decided to head southwards this time around, once more travelling the King's Road. Unlike the way north, she found travelling this way quite easier and much more enjoyable, to the extent that she took her sweet time. She travelled through Moat Cailin, heading to the coast and staying there for a while. Perhaps it was here where she first encountered her love for water and ships. She didn't stay [i]too[/i] long, however, returning to the King's Road and keeping away from the mountains, heading the Trident's way instead. From there she headed westward, stopping at Riverrun for a while before continuing onward to Banefort. It would seem that sometime during her travels, she had decided to visit the Iron Islands. By the time she [i]did[/i] reach Pyke, Taria was sixteen years of age. She had always been a tough and careful sort of lass, and now even more so. She met with her Aunt Asha, though didn't expect to be included in the family by any means. She knew better than that. She did, however, swear fealty to House Greyjoy, impressed with the fact that the blood of such strong people flowed within her. She also attributed her love for the sea to her blood. She stayed in the Iron Islands for a few years but eventually left. It wasn't like she did not wish to help, but there was nothing she, a simple bastard, could do to help, at least not in a military sense. Taria's travels started once more, this time however by sea. By now she was nearing twenty-two years of age. Her time at Pyke and the Iron Islands in general taught her much about seafaring and fighting with a weapon. She was by no means a master, but she could hold her own for certain, at least that is what she believed. Navigating was the hardest hurdle she had to face, which forced her to keep her ship close the various western coasts. As such, she travelled north the Sunset Sea and then headed east to the coast of Dorne, where she docked for a good full year. Her next journey took her north. She managed to sail past the Stepstones and the Broken arm fairly easily. However, to reach her next destination, Storm's End, she had to sail through Shipbreaker Bay, where unfortunately her ship did break. She barely managed to swim to safety and would have probably perished if she hadn't been found by folks passing by. Taria didn't get to meet Ser Davos, obviously, but at least she was alive and with a new respect for her life. Once she had recuperated enough, the Greyjoy bastard decided perhaps it was time to stay on land for a little while. In truth, she was a little wary of sea travel now but didn't wish to admit it, even to herself. King's Landing was her next destination. Despite herself, she found it quite interesting. It was obviously a hub where she came in contact with people from all over, the King and Queen lived here above them all, and then there were the dragons. Seafaring pushed to the side, Taria took odd jobs here and there, enough to assure herself some food and a bed at night. [/hider]