[u]Valerie Mayern[/u] Valerie stared a bit at the mass of pokemon, how curious, she'd never seen something like that before, it almost looked like they were all becoming one big pokemon instead of a bunch of small ones, too caught up to really listen to anyone before she was suddenly grabbed and moved, letting out a bit of a squeak as she stumbled over her slimeball of a pokemon, nearly tripping but managing to stabilize herself, turning around to complain before just starting to giggle "W- Wishiwashi?" she uttered before having a light fit of giggles, the name was simply too adorable for her to take seriously. A concerned sound from her Goomy snapped her out of it with a twitch "What? Help? Maybe a bit much," she uttered, there were so many other trainer pokemon out all ready, she wasn't sure she should cause more chaos. Then again, her Goomy did have Absorb, a grass type attack. Fish were usually weak to that, right? "See if you can't absorb some of their energy to calm them down, Smoothie!" she suggested, Smoothie shortly after making an agreeing sound before a red beam launched from his mouth, targeted at the stream of adorably named fish.