[quote=@Detritus] cantrip: Telepathy: Kira can communicate can establish a mental two relay of signals that allows her send and receive messages via her mind. [/quote] [quote=@The One] [b]Master Grey[/b] -Elemental Cantrips: Master Grey's most simple Cantrips are just elemental manipulation such as sparking a flame in the hand or on a candle, Bunsen Burner, etc. Using small amounts of electricity to jump-start a motor, generator, light source. Using Water to water a plant, hydrate someone who has passed out or is suffering from severe dehydration. Stone to make small walls, or fill in holes in walls, or the like using stone and earth. Educational Projection: Master Grey is extremely intellectual, and should a case arise when he needs to teach, he is able to lay out schematics, dioramas, and designs using the elements, and magical projections. [b]Kasumi[/b] Time Bubble: Kasumi, can use her time-space abilities to project small illusionary fields of time-warp around plants, people, or objects to modify them. She could speed up clocks to make guards think shift change should have happened or cause time to effect objects and plants to make them rust and wither. Armed and Dangerous: Kasumi can use her speed capabilities to make it seem as if she has more weapons than she does, by stancing with her blades and moving them about, while sheathing, drawing, and then repeating the process she could appear to be a completely armed woman with a million blades! A False Hearing: Kasumi is able to manipulate her vocal cords and can change her voice to one she has heard repeatedly before. She can do this to lure away people or trick people. Make a Suggestion! Kasumi is able to implant a small suggestion in the brain of others to try and influence them. It could be something as little as 'You never saw anything' or something such as 'There is no [s]jedi[/s] Kasumi here' Another suggestion she could try to make is the suggestion that your bladder is full, or the suggestion you might be hungry. That's all I can think of right now. [s]Totally didn't get my last idea from star wars![/s] I came up with the last one myself.... [/quote] [quote=@13org] Mitsuki Cantrips: - Hazy Night: Able to conjure a magical mist in a small area (around 10m around her) which [u]hampers[/u] both vision and magic detection. - Ancient Magic Specialist: Mitsuki is able to identify and powerful ancient ritual or magics from ancient civilizations by just feeling and seeing the magic flow. - Sixth Sense: While with her eyes covered, Mitsuki is able to feel immediate danger ("My spider sense is tingling!!") [/quote] Accepted.