[color=fff200]Lazarus[/color] [@caits] When they arrived at the ball, he could feel the tension and stress in Sasha through her hand. Everything that was happening around them was irrelevant at this point. He hadn't confirmed it with Sasha herself yet, but there was a very strong possibility that she was pregnant. That made him happy, and happiness was all he wanted to focus on tonight. He almost forced her onto the dance floor despite her protests, and began to slow dance with her. Looking around it had to be said nothing bad could happen tonight. The room was filled with some of the most powerful wizards on the continent, with a guard to every guest. He could indeed enjoy the night. He shut his eyes briefly, enjoying the dance with Sasha. [color=0072bc]Shujin[/color] Shujin and Wither arrived at the ball slightly after it had begun, as they had walked instead of getting a ride. Wither still had Shujin tightly in her grip, having no plans to release him anytime soon. They passed the guards at the entrance with ease, despite Shujin's concerns that Wither would be discovered. As evil as she was, she was still family. However, his thoughts were still filled with anger towards the palace guards. They had just allowed a member of one of the strongest dark guilds into one of the most fragile buildings in the country. Wither was delighted by all of the colours, music, food and drink. She tugged Shujin left and right in an attempt to visit everything in the room in the space of 2 minutes. Despite the situation, he couldn't help but smile. This was the little girl that he left behind all those years ago. She ground to a hault and looked into his eyes menacingly. "What are you smiling about Oni-San?" She grumbled, lips pursed. Shujin waved a hand, "Oh... nothing... it's just... this is more like you." She looked deeply into his eyes and grasp a hold of his immune system tightly, giving a him shock of intense illness. She grumbled, "Don't tell me what I am Shujin." The moment was gone. He sighed, catching a glimpse of Lazarus and Sasha across the room. There was a strong chance Lazarus would recognise Wither, so he had to keep her out of sight. He almost pushed her in the opposite direction. "Let me introduce you to... errr to.... errr..." He needed someone who could keep them occupy them for enough time for Sasha and Lazarus to move. Wither cut him off. "Shujin, I know Lazarus is over there. I'm not interested." Shujin's panic came to an abrupt end. She twirled her dress, discretely making a note of where all of the masters were. Shujin watched the cogs of her brain work in horror. "What are you doing?" He spoke in a hushed voice. Wither grinned. "You'll see Oni-San, you'll see."