[center][color=SlateBlue][h1]Dirk Jitensha[/h1][/color] [@Shadeflare123][@Suku][@WriterRaven][/center] Dirk finally settled on purchasing 5 Antidotes and 8 Potions, still not sure if he was being tricked into overspending or wasn't actually buying enough. He just shrugged. It wasn't too far of a walk to Iki town. He placed his items in a bag, and paid the clerk. He finally noticed that Fang wasn't standing right next to his leg, but heard a girl shout [color=ed145b]"Someone might want to round up their poochyena a bit"[/color], followed by "Does this Poochyena belong to anyone?". He saw Fang standing in the middle of three people with their pokemon. One was a girl with an Eevee, who must have been the one who set Fang off, as the Poochyena was standing directly in front of her, growling. Next to her was a red-haired girl that had a shiny Swablu floating alongside her head. The third trainer was a muscular looking guy wearing a blue jacket standing behind Fang that was holding back a Torchic. Dirk sighed as he walked over. [color=SlateBlue]"Fang! Cmon, we talked about this!"[/color] he said. He squated down and wrapped his arms around Fang's body and pulled him towards him. He looked up at the girl with the Eevee, and said [color=SlateBlue]"I'm sorry, he's a bit sensitive to loud noises. He's *mostly* harmless though."[/color] Almost on cue, Fang decided to [color=Sienna]Bite[/color] Dirk's hand. [color=SlateBlue]"Ow!"[/color] Dirk cried. He stood up and clutched his hand in the other, lettning Fang dash towards the Eevee and leap off the ground, intending to [color=D3D3D3]Tackle[/color] his "opponent".