[center][h3][color=springgreen]Edarn/Karn || Crocus || Ballroom[/color][/h3][/center] [@Caits] Edarn glowered as she kept eating some biscuits from the table. Where in the ever living fuck does all this food go?! And this body keeps retaining such a girlish figure?! Did the fire in his belly just burn it off? Rolling [b]her[/b] emerald eyes for a moment, she forced this body to turn away from the bountiful plates of foods, much to this body's complaints as it growled in protest. For a moment, her gaze glanced around the ballroom for a moment, watching as... strangers just danced about. She didn't recognize people, or for that matter... she did, but she didn't really know them. This version of them. It was perhaps a bit lonely, being by yourself in a world full of either people you never met, or people who just look like people you know. Still, it didn't matter now. She was already broken. She didn't feel anything. For a moment, she watched that Melodramatic Angel boy and Ice Princess enter together and start to dance with one another. It was odd, seeing Sasha in a dress. Well, a Sasha that looked like her Sasha. Perhaps a couple days ago, she would of felt the feeling known as irritation. That was pretty a defining factor of the Ice Princess. But whatever, Edarn didn't expect much in the first place anyways. She noticed Miss Hot Stuff enter as well, looking a bit unsure as well. Amusing. She pondered if she should bother the red head, but figured her little boy toy would be around to accompany her soon so the blonde didn't bother. She wasn't really in the mood to deal with most of the Phoenix Wing members. Other than to possibly mess with them. It was then she spotted a boy who looked quite uncomfortable as he stood a bit away from the dance floor. Edarn held no reconigtion of him from either world, so that was a plus. And he looked like a fish out of water, easy target. [color=springgreen]"Alright other me, how about we go have a little fun?"[/color] Edarn mused, plopping a olive in her mouth and chewing it before brushing her fingers through the blonde hair. Rolling her shoulders as she mentally started to play out how 'femininity' works. She had a great distaste for dresses, make up, and most things that are considered 'girly' for the matter of that most of the time, they just got in the way. However, there was one thing being in such get up was useful. Toying with people. [i][color=lime]"Alright! Sounds fun!"[/color][/i] Karn chirped within their mind, curious of what his Edolan counterpart had in mind. Humming, Edarn strolled a bit more elegantly over to the dark haired man beside another.. odd looking fellow. She flashed a alluring smile and did a little curtsy, holding in the habit of giving the more gentlemanly bow she was used to giving when being polite. Ya know, now that she thought of it, no wonder folks back home thought she was a guy. [color=springgreen]"Hello handsome. You look a bit out of place here, and I'm feeling quite lonely. Care to accompany me for a dance?"[/color] she purred, her eyes blinking softly yet shining, like a bit of a predator.